- 联系人:邓雪
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核心提示:VOCs是挥发性有机化合物(Volatile Organic Compounds)的英文缩写,其定义有好几种,美国ASTM D3960-98标准将其定义为任何能参加大气光化学反应的有机化合物。美国联邦环保署(EPA)这样定义:挥发性有机化合物是除CO、CO2、H2CO3、金属碳化物、金属碳酸盐和碳酸铵外,任何参加大气光化学反应的碳化合物。
保署(EPA)这样定义:挥发性有机化合物是除CO、CO2、H2CO3、金属碳化物、金属碳酸盐和碳酸铵外,任何参加大气光化学反应的碳化合物。 voc是什么 在我国,VOCs(volatile organic compounds)挥发性有机物是指常温下饱和蒸汽压大于70.91 Pa、标准大气压101.3kPa下沸点在50~260℃以下且初馏点等于250摄氏度的有机化合物,或在常温常压下任何能挥发的有机固体或液体。目前,我国VOCs的环境质量标准暂未颁布,VOCs的排放标准暂时没有国家标准,但各重点监测区域相继颁布了地方排放标准或行业标准。国标对于VOCs的监测,使用的是《环境空气 挥发性有机物的测定 罐采样/气相色谱-质谱法》(HJ 759-2015)。该方法可对直链烃、环烷烃、芳香烃、含氧化合物、苯系物、卤代烃等大多数挥发性有机物检测分析,检测组分多达67种,是目前VOC检测组分最齐全的方法。同时,该方法与美国环保署(EPA)TO-14/15标准较为一致,基本上包含了TO-14/15重点监测组分,是我国各级环境监测站开展挥发性有机物监测的重要指导文件。 从voc在线 环境监测的角度来讲,VOCs是以氢火焰离子检测器检出的非甲烷总烃类检出物的总称,主要包括烷烃类、芳烃类、烯烃类、卤烃类、酯类、醛类、酮类和其他有机化合物。 综上所述,VOC和VOCs其实是同一类物质,即挥发性有机化合物(Volatile Organic Compounds)的英文缩写,由于挥发性有机化合物一般成分不止一种,因此VOCs更精准。 下表为常见VOCs种类: voc废气处理 CAS 号 | 英文名 | 化学品 | 沸点(℃) | 蒸气压(20℃下, Pa) | 71-55-6 | 1,1,1-trichloroethane | 1,1,1-三氯乙烷 | 74.000 | 13,055.5600 | 79-00-5 | 1,1,2-trichloroethane | 1,1,2-三氯乙烷 | 113.700 | 2,351.9800 | 87-61-6 | 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene | 1,2,3-三氯苯 | 218-219 | 32.6300 | 107-06-2 | 1,2-dichloroethane (EDC) | 1,2-二氯乙烷 | 83.400 | 8,219.9500 | 122-66-7 | 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine | 1,2-二苯肼 | 229.000 | 0.0454 | 106-99-0 | 1,3-Butadiene | 1,3-丁二烯 | -4.500 | 238,833.7800 | 123-91-1 | 1,4-Diethyleneoxide | 1,4-二恶烷 | 131.700 | 3,905.9400 | 540-84-1 | 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane | 2,2,4-三甲基戊烷 | 99.238 | 5,107.6800 | 79-46-9 | 2-Nitropropane | 2-硝基丙烷 | 119-122 | 1,732.2200 | 83-32-9 | Acenaphthene | 苊 | 231.200 | 1.2000 | 75-07-0 | Acetaldehyde | 乙醛 | 20.400 | 99,156.7200 | 60-35-5 | Acetamide | 乙酰胺 | 221.150 | 4.0400 | 75-05-8 | Acetonitrile | 乙腈 | 81.600 | 9,568.5300 | 98-86-2 | Acetophenone | 苯乙酮 | 201.700 | 35.9200 | 107-02-8 | Acrolein | 丙烯醛 | 53.000 | 29,485.5400 | 79-06-1 | Acrylamide | 丙烯酰胺 | 231.700 | 0.1660 | 79-10-7 | Acrylic acid | 丙烯酸 | 116.400 | 372.0800 | 107-13-1 | Acrylonitrile | 丙烯腈 | 77.300 | 11,447.1100 | 107-05-1 | Allyl chloride | 3-氯丙烯 | 41.600 | 40,226.0100 | 62-53-3 | Aniline | 苯胺 | 184.300 | 42.7400 | 71-43-2 | Benzene | 苯 | 80.100 | 9,945.2300 | 98-07-7 | Benzotrichloride | 三氯化苄 | 219-223 | 43.7600 | 100-44-7 | Benzylchloride | 苄基氯 | 179.400 | 123.1000 | 92-52-4 | Biphenyl | 联苯 | 255.200 | 1.6900 | 542-88-1 | Bis(chloromethyl)ether | 双氯甲醚 | 182.400 | 2,951.2400 | 75-25-2 | Bromoform | 三溴甲烷 | 149.000 | 538.2400 | 75-15-0 | Carbon disulfide | 二硫化碳 | 46.200 | 39,237.8700 | 56-23-5 | Carbon tetrachloride | 四氯化碳 | 76.500 | 12,057.8000 | 79-11-8 | Chloroacetic acid | 一氯乙酸 | 189.000 | 18.5800 | 108-90-7 | Chlorobenzene | 氯苯 | 131.700 | 1,197.9000 | 67-66-3 | Chloroform | 三氯甲烷 | 61.100 | 19,416.3400 | 126-99-8 | Chloroprene | 2-氯-1,3-丁二烯 | 59.100 | 23,499.9800 | 108-39-4 | Cresol and cresylic acid (m-) | 间-甲酚 | 202.200 | 14.2200 | 106-44-5 | Cresol and cresylic acid (p) | 对-甲酚 | 201.900 | 8.2500 | 98-82-8 | Cumene | 异丙基苯 | 152.392 | 436.1200 | 77-78-1 | Dimethyl sulfate | 硫酸二甲酯 | 188.000 | 61.7700 | 106-89-8 | Epichlorohydrin (l-Chloro-2,3epoxypropane) | 环氧氯丙烷 | 116.100 | 1,655.4300 | 140-88-5 | Ethyl acrylate | 丙烯酸乙酯 | 100.000 | 3,909.8300 | 100-41-4 | Ethyl benzene | 乙苯 | 136.186 | 950.8700 | 75-00-3 | Ethylchloride | 氯乙烷 | 12.200 | 133,708.0400 | 106-93-4 | Ethylene dibromide | 1,2-二溴乙烷 | 130.200 | 1,346.0500 | 107-21-1 | Ethylene glycol | 乙二醇 | 197.200 | 7.5700 | 75-21-8 | Ethylene oxide | 环氧乙烷 | 10.300 | 145,672.5700 | 75-34-3 | Ethylidene dichloride (1,1-Dichloroethane) | 亚乙基二氯 (1,1-二氯乙烷) | 183.700 | 24,288.1800 | 50-00-0 | Formaldehyde | 甲醛 | -19.500 | 440,037.9900 | 87-68-3 | Hexachlorobutadiene | 六氯丁二烯 | 231.000 | 19.6100 | 67-72-1 | Hexachloroethane | 六氯乙烷 | 185.600 | 61.9400 | 110-54-3 | Hexane | 正己烷 | 121.240 | 16,214.8800 | 78-59-1 | lsophorone | 异佛尔酮 | 215.200 | 40.8800 | 108-31-6 | Maleic anhydride | 马来酸酐 | 119.300 | 33.6400 | 67-56-1 | Methanol | 甲醇 | 64.600 | 12,758.0400 | 78-93-3 | Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone) | 甲乙酮(2-丁酮) | 202.000 | 9,970.2400 | 108-10-1 | Methyl isobutyl ketone (Hexone) | 甲基异丁基酮 | 94.200 | 1,966.9500 | 624-83-9 | Methyl isocyanate | 基异氰酸盐 | 35.000 | 49,747.5000 | 80-62-6 | Methyl methacrylate | 甲基丙烯酸甲酯 | 100.300 | 3,915.4400 | 1634-04-4 | Methyl tert-butyl ether | 甲基叔丁基醚 | 55.200 | 26,768.5600 | 74-83-9 | Methylbromide (Bromomethane) | 溴甲烷 | 3.500 | 183,474.2900 | 74-87-3 | Methylchloride (Chloromethane) | 氯甲烷 | -24.300 | 492,691.5100 | 75-09-2 | Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane) | 二氯甲烷 | 39.800 | 46,735.6900 | 121-69-7 | N,N-dimethylaniline | N,N-二甲基苯胺 | 193.500 | 66.2000 | 68-12-2 | N,N-dimethylformamide | N,N-二甲基甲酰胺 | 153.000 | 372.0300 | 98-95-3 | Nitrobenzene | 硝基苯 | 210.600 | 22.1700 | 95-48-7 | o-Cresol and cresylic acid | 邻甲酚 | 191.000 | 25.8700 | 95-47-6 | o-xylene | 邻二甲苯 | 144.411 | 647.1400 | 106-46-7 | p-Dichlorobenzene | 对-二氯苯 | 174.100 | 166.4000 | 127-18-4 | Perchloroethylene | 四氯乙烯 | 121.100 | 1,870.8400 | 108-95-2 | Phenol | 苯酚 | 181.800 | 47.4500 | 75-44-5 | Phosgene | 氯代甲酰氯 | 8.200 | 158,376.4200 | 106-50-3 | p-Phenylenediamine | 对苯二胺 | 267.400 | 0.3400 | 57-57-8 | Propiolactone (beta-) | β-丙内酯 | 162.000 | 158.4300 | 123-38-6 | Propionaldehyde | 丙醛 | 47.930 | 34,003.0100 | 78-87-5 | Propylene dichloride | 1,2-二氯丙烷 | 96.300 | 16,723.1900 | 75-56-9 | Propylene oxide | 环氧丙烷 | 34.300 | 58,030.9000 | 106-42-3 | p-xylenes | 对二甲苯 | 138.351 | 874.5600 | 100-42-5 | Styrene | 苯乙烯 | 145.140 | 592.2500 | 79-34-5 | Tetrachloroethanes | 1,1,2,2-四氯乙烷 | 146.200 | 436.0300 | 108-88-3 | Toluene | 甲苯 | 110.625 | 2,887.9300 | 79-01-6 | Trichloroethylene | 三氯乙烯 | 87.200 | 7,688.7400 | 121-44-8 | Triethylamine | 三乙胺 | 89.500 | 7,125.3100 | 108-05-4 | Vinyl acetate | 醋酸乙烯酯 | 73.000 | 11,932.8800 | 75-01-4 | Vinyl chloride | 氯乙烯 | -13.400 | 339,701.7600 | 76-13-1 | 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane | 氟利昂-113 | 47.500 | 35,856.1500 | 96-18-4 | 1,2,3-trichloropropane | 1,2,3-三氯丙烷 | 156.800 | 355.3100 | 120-82-1 | 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene | 1,2,4-三氯苯 | 211.400 | 40.4300 | 108-70-3 | 1,3,5-Trichlorobenzene | 1,3,5-三氯苯 | 211.300 | 49.9200 | 107-88-0 | 1,3-butylene glycol | 1,3-丁二醇 | 207.000 | 1.5300 | 106-98-9 | 1-butene | 正丁烯 | -6.260 | 255,858.4800 | 109-67-1 | 1-pentene | 1-戊烯 | 29.968 | 70,783.2900 | 104-76-7 | 2-ethylhexanol | 2-乙基己醇 | 184.600 | 10.5400 | 2807-30-9 | 2-propoxy-ethano | 乙二醇单丙醚 | 258.200 | 294.5900 | 105-57-7 | Acetal | 1,1-二乙氧基乙烷 | 103.600 | 2,732.4100 | 64-19-7 | Acetic acid | 乙酸 | 117.900 | 1,559.4100 | 108-24-7 | Acetic anhydride | 乙酸酐 | 139.000 | 330.4200 | 67-64-1 | Acetone | 丙酮 | 56.200 | 24,390.5600 | 75-86-5 | Acetone cyanohydrin | 丙酮氰醇 | 167.300 | 104.7700 | 75-36-5 | Acetyl chloride | 乙酰氯 | 51.000 | 30,793.4800 | 74-86-2 | Acetylene | 乙炔 | -84.000 | 4,328,141.9300 | 107-18-6 | Allyl alcohol | 丙烯醇 | 54.300 | 2,537.1900 | 98-83-9 | α-methylstyrene | α-甲基苯乙烯 | 165-169 | 252.4400 | 111-41-1 | Aminoethylethanolamine | 羟乙基乙二胺 | 215.980 | 0.1100 | 628-63-7 | amyl acetate | 乙酸戊酯 | 149.200 | 330.7200 | 110-58-7 | Amyl amine | 1-氨基戊烷 | 105.500 | 3,018.5500 | 543-59-9 | Amyl chloride | 1-氯戊烷 | 107-108 | 3,356.5800 | 100-66-3 | Anisole | 苯甲醚 | 153.600 | 344.8800 | 100-52-7 | Benzaldehyde | 苯甲醛 | 178.700 | 110.2600 | 65-85-0 | Benzoic acid | 苯甲酸 | 250.000 | 0.3580 | 100-47-0 | Benzonitrile | 苯甲腈 | 191.000 | 71.4200 | 100-51-6 | Benzyl alcohol | 苯甲醇 | 204.699 | 6.6600 | 98-87-3 | Benzyl dichloride | 二氯苄 | 214.000 | 48.2200 | 100-46-9 | Benzylamine | 苄胺 | 185.000 | 59.3200 | 108-99-6 | b-picoline | 3-甲基吡啶 | 143.500 | 587.6700 | 107-92-6 | Butyric acid | 丁酸 | 163.270 | 84.9800 | 106-31-0 | Butyric anhydride | 丁酸酐 | 198.300 | 24.2700 | 109-74-0 | Butyronitrile | 丁腈 | 118.000 | 1,959.2000 | 105-60-2 | Caprolactam | 己内酰胺 | 180.000 | 0.5000 | 558-13-4 | Carbon tetrabromide | 四溴化碳 | 181.200 | 85.6500 | 75-45-6 | Chlorodifluoroethane | 一氯二氟甲烷 | -40.800 | 893,928.8100 | 75-72-9 | Chlorotrifluoromethane | 氯三氟甲烷 | 26.800 | 3,178,608.4900 | 80-15-9 | Cumene hydroperoxide | 过氧化羟基异丙苯 | 253.700 | 0.3490 | 506-77-4 | Cyanogen chloride | 氯化氰 | 13.800 | 134,561.5500 | 110-82-7 | Cyclohexane | 环己烷 | 80.738 | 10,367.1900 | 108-93-0 | Cyclohexanol | 环己醇 | 159.600 | 65.4600 | 108-94-1 | Cyclohexanone | 环己酮 | 155.600 | 345.0400 | 110-83-8 | Cyclohexene | 环己烯 | 82.979 | 9,295.6000 | 108-91-8 | Cyclohexylamine | 环己胺 | 134.500 | 990.8000 | 111-78-4 | Cyclooctadiene | 1,5-环辛二烯 | 125.000 | 479.2300 | 112-30-1 | Decanol | 1-癸醇 | 230.000 | 0.6220 | 123-42-2 | Diacetone alcohol | 甲基戊酮醇 | 168.100 | 162.3300 | 75-71-8 | Dichlorodifluoromethane | 氟里昂-12 | -29.800 | 560,905.0700 | 101-83-7 | Dicyclohexylamine | 二环己胺 | 256.100 | 2.8200 | 111-46-6 | Diethylene glycol | 二甘醇 | 246.000 | 0.4390 | 112-36-7 | Diethylene glycol diethyl ether | 二乙二醇二乙醚 | 190.200 | 47.3000 | 111-96-6 | Diethylene glycol dimethyl ether | 二乙二醇二甲醚 | 159.800 | 281.9500 | 112-15-2 | Diethylene glycol monoethyl ether | 乙二醇一甲醚 | 221.800 | 13.1400 | 112-15-2 | Diethylene glycol monoethyl ether | 乙二醇一甲醚 | 162.700 | 13.1400 | 111-77-3 | Diethylene glycol monomethyl | 二乙二醇单甲醚 | 226.927 | 14.8400 | 75-37-6 | Difluoroethane | 1,1-二氟乙烷 | -25.000 | 563,101.6200 | 674-82-8 | Diketene | 二乙烯酮 | 106.600 | 1,055.4600 | 75-18-3 | Dimethyl sulfide | 二甲基硫 | 38.000 | 53,488.0900 | 67-68-5 | Dimethyl sulfoxide | 二甲基亚砜 | 189.000 | 56.5400 | 101-84-8 | Diphenyl oxide | 二苯醚 | 258.000 | 3.7500 | 25265-71-8 | Dipropylene glycol | 一缩二丙二醇 | 230.500 | 2.7200 | 64-17-5 | Ethanol | 乙醇 | 78.300 | 5,830.2900 | 60-29-7 | Ether | 乙醚 | 34.480 | 0.5800 | 141-78-6 | Ethyl acetate | 乙酸乙酯 | 73.900 | 9,632.1700 | 141-97-9 | Ethyl acetoacetate | 乙酰乙酸乙酯 | 236.300 | 71.8700 | 74-96-4 | Ethyl bromide | 溴乙烷 | 38.300 | 51,046.7000 | 75-04-7 | Ethylamine | 乙胺 | 16.500 | 114,501.2200 | 105-56-6 | Ethylcyanoacetate | 氰乙酸乙酯 | 206.000 | 5.0500 | 74-85-1 | Ethylene | 乙烯 | -103.710 | 6,261,415.6000 | 107-07-3 | Ethylene chlorohydrin | 2-氯乙醇 | 128.600 | 692.9300 | 111-55-7 | Ethylene glycol diacetate | 乙二醇二乙酸酯 | 168.000 | 5.6800 | 110-71-4 | Ethylene glycol dimethyl ether | 乙二醇二甲醚 | 63.000 | 7,916.4300 | 111-15-9 | Ethylene glycol monethyl ether | 乙二醇乙醚醋酸酯 | 156.400 | 217.7100 | 111-76-2 | Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether | 乙二醇单丁醚 | 151.579 | 77.6000 | 110-80-5 | Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether | 乙二醇单乙醚 | 221.000 | 499.6800 | 109-86-4 | Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether | 乙二醇甲醚 | 124.600 | 853.2400 | 107-15-3 | Ethylenediamine | 乙二胺 | 117.200 | 1,162.7500 | 75-12-7 | Formamide | 甲酰胺 | 210.500 | 4.9500 | 64-18-6 | Formic acid | 甲酸 | 100.600 | 4,402.6600 | 98-01-1 | Furfural | 糠醛 | 161.800 | 208.5800 | 56-81-5 | Glycerol | 甘油 | 98.300 | 0.0117 | 629-11-8 | Hexamethylene glycol | 1,6-己二醇 | 239.700 | 0.0701 | 124-09-4 | Hexamethylenediamine | 1,6-己二胺 | 226.400 | 10.0000 | 74-90-8 | Hydrogen cyanide | 氰化氢 | 25.700 | 81,251.1800 | 123-92-2 | Isoamyl acetate | 乙酸异戊酯 | 142.000 | 510.2300 | 78-83-1 | Isobutanol | 异丁醇 | 107.800 | 947.8100 | 110-19-0 | Isobutyl acetate | 乙酸异丁酯 | 116.800 | 1,766.5200 | 115-11-7 | Isobutylene | 异丁烯 | -6.900 | 262,095.5800 | 78-84-2 | Isobutyraldehyde | 异丁醛 | 67.100 | 18,299.2000 | 79-31-2 | Isobutyric acid | 异丁酸 | 154.700 | 167.3400 | 25339-17-7 | Isodecanol | 异癸醇 | 213.400 | 1.6200 | 78-78-4 | Isopentane | 2-甲基丁烷 | 30.000 | 76,218.3300 | 78-79-5 | Isoprene | 异戊二烯 | 34.000 | 60,574.7300 | 67-63-0 | Isopropanol | 异丙醇 | 82.200 | 4,409.2200 | 108-21-4 | Isopropyl acetate | 乙酸异丙酯 | 88.200 | 6,199.0800 | 75-29-6 | Isopropyl chloride | 2-氯丙烷 | 35-36 | 58,495.5700 | 75-31-0 | Isopropylamine | 异丙胺 | 48.600 | 62,683.3900 | 463-51-4 | Ketene | 乙烯酮 | -56.000 | 1,214,927.6200 | 108-42-9 | m-chloroaniline | 3-氯苯胺 | 227.800 | 5.5800 | 108-41-8 | m-chlorotoluene | 3-氯甲苯 | 161.600 | 307.5000 | 541-73-1 | m-dichlorobenzene | 1,3-二氯苯 | 173.000 | 206.0400 | 141-79-7 | Mesityl oxide | 4-甲基-3-戊烯-2-酮 | 132.700 | 1,085.4800 | 79-41-4 | Methacrylic acid | 甲基丙烯酸 | 162-163 | 87.8100 | 563-47-3 | Methallyl chloride | 3-氯-2-甲基丙烯 | 72.500 | 11,237.6400 | 79-20-9 | Methyl acetate | 醋酸甲酯 | 56.900 | 22,648.4600 | 105-45-3 | Methyl acetoacetate | 乙酰乙酸甲酯 | 169.400 | 80.7300 | 107-31-3 | Methyl formate | 甲酸甲酯 | 31.700 | 63,434.3500 | 108-11-2 | Methyl isobutyl carbinol | 4-甲基-2-戊醇 | 133.500 | 489.0700 | 74-89-5 | Methylamine | 甲胺 | -6.400 | 294,402.2800 | 108-87-2 | Methylcyclohexane | 甲基环己烷 | 100.934 | 4,753.2300 | 13952-84-6 | Methylpropylamine | 仲丁胺 | 62.900 | 18,839.9000 | 110-91-8 | Morpholine | 吗啡啉 | 128.900 | 986.8700 | 115-10-6 | N,N-dimethyl ether | 甲醚 | -24.900 | 507,144.6000 | 71-41-0 | n-Amyl alcohol | 1-戊醇 | 137.800 | 218.5100 | 123-86-4 | n-butyl acetate | 乙酸丁酯 | 126.600 | 1,022.2100 | 141-32-2 | n-butyl acrylate | 丙烯酸丁酯 | 221.938 | 530.8300 | 71-36-3 | n-butyl alcohol | 正丁醇 | 117.700 | 648.9600 | 109-73-9 | n-butylamine | 正丁胺 | 77.400 | 9,456.6300 | 123-72-8 | n-butyraldehyde | 丁醛 | 77.600 | 11,626.2600 | 75-98-9 | Neopentanoic acid | 特戊酸 | 166.209 | 52.7400 | 79-24-3 | Nitroethane | 硝基乙烷 | 109.200 | 2,081.6500 | 75-52-5 | Nitromethane | 硝基甲烷 | 100-102 | 3,640.1300 | 100-61-8 | n-methylaniline | N-甲基苯胺 | 200.400 | 41.0600 | 109-66-0 | n-pentane | 正戊烷 | 30.074 | 56,259.4600 | 71-23-8 | n-propyl alcohol | 正丙醇 | 97.200 | 1,973.2100 | 95-51-2 | o-chloroaniline | 邻氯苯胺 | 208.800 | 17.6700 | 88-73-3 | o-chloronitrobenzene | 邻氯硝基苯 | 245.500 | 1.8100 | 95-49-8 | o-chlorotoluene | 邻氯甲苯 | 159.500 | 339.3600 | 95-50-1 | o-dichlorobenzene | 1,2-二氯苯 | 180.400 | 127.3200 | 123-63-7 | Paraldehyde | 三聚乙醛 | 233.900 | 1,072.5200 | 106-47-8 | p-chloroaniline | 对氯苯胺 | 208.800 | 6.3500 | 100-00-5 | p-chloronitrobenzene | 对硝基氯苯 | 242.000 | 2.3300 | 106-43-4 | p-chlorotoluene | 对氯甲苯 | 162.200 | 264.3800 | 110-85-0 | Piperazine | 哌嗪 | 149.324 | 330.1300 | 156-43-4 | p-phenetidine | 对氨基苯乙醚 | 254.000 | 0.8490 | 79-09-4 | Propionic acid | 丙酸 | 140.830 | 347.9800 | 540-54-5 | Propyl chloride | 1-氯丙烷 | 46.600 | 37,183.8200 | 107-10-8 | Propylamine | 丙胺 | 48.600 | 32,792.5700 | 115-07-1 | Propylene | 丙烯 | -47.700 | 1,015,268.1900 | 57-55-6 | Propylene glycol | 1,2-丙二醇 | 187.300 | 10.5900 | 110-86-1 | Pyridine | 吡啶 | 115-116 | 2,080.7100 | 69-72-7 | Salicylic acid | 水杨酸 | 211.000 | 0.1010 | 78-92-2 | s-butyl alcohol | 仲丁醇 | 99.500 | 1,719.7800 | 110-15-6 | Succinic acid | 丁二酸 | 236.100 | 0.0005 | 75-65-0 | t-butyl alcohol | 叔丁醇 | 82.400 | 3,977.9100 | 75-64-9 | t-butylamine | 叔丁胺 | 44.400 | 40,154.7600 | 119-64-2 | Tetrahydronaphthalene | 1,2,3,4-四氢萘 | 210.300 | 33.2500 | 584-84-9 | Toluene-2,4-diisocyanate | 甲苯-2,4-二异氰酸酯 | 115-120 | 1.0800 | 75-69-4 | Trichlorofluoromethane | 三氯氟甲烷 | 26.800 | 88,844.6400 | 112-49-2 | Triethylene glycol dimethyl ether | 三乙二醇二乙醚 | 197.200 | 3.2800 | 75-50-3 | Trimethylamine | 三甲胺 | 2.900 | 182,229.2100 | 75-35-4 | Vinylidene chloride | 过氯乙烯 | 31.600 | 65,938.5800 |